
Archive for the ‘Reminiscences’ Category

With one week to go, my son has finalized his Halloween costume idea. He will be “Night.” Black pants, black shirt, black hat, black face makeup. If he could be completely invisible, I think he’d opt for that. Out of all the sucky traits he inherited from me, he got the “Halloween under-excitement” gene. For […]

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Chevy Van

I parked next to a battered blue van today, and when the “Chevy Van” lettering on its passenger side came into view, it was like someone had released the “Pause” button and the song resumed. I was immediately transported to the 13-year-old I was in 1975, engulfed in emotions, longings, and body sway, lost in […]

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The automobile drivers in my community are polite, conscientious folk who frequently drive their Subarus and Priuses below the speed limit, let multiple other cars cut in front of them at a highway turn off, and slow rather than accelerate when the traffic light is yellow, to make sure all the cars will be out […]

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Every now and then I encounter a situation that, while in it, I’m thinking of how I’m going to write about it. The incident – either what is happening to me, or what I’m seeing, or what I’m hearing or reading or learning – seems so unique, so interesting, so odd, or just so crazy, […]

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I woke up early this morning, and heard the sheets of rain as they were coming down, the loud, individual drips from the drain pipes, and from the window in my office, I now hear the water pooling, gurgling almost, in a part of our lawn which has insufficient drainage, and the additional drip of […]

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