
Archive for the ‘Reminiscences’ Category

I’m the reason we didn’t see the Blue Angels when they were in town last year. There’s no possible way I can shift blame or fault to anyone else.

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I’ve decided to update my office. Once the decision was made, it seems I can barely sit in it anymore without finding everything dreary, dingy, outdated and worn. I’m aghast that I’ve been ensconced in this realm, thinking it was fine. The current color on the wall, painted when I moved in, over 8 years […]

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Science fiction is not my best genre – for that matter, neither are epic Russian novels – both lose me with names for places and people that somehow slip right out of my mind within milliseconds of reading them. Backwards time travel is about the only form of science fiction I can follow, as it […]

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A favorite James Taylor song reminds me of an old friend. If I count the years since we were students, the time spent with a whole country between us, the numbers surpass two decades. He’s a brilliant man, a good husband, devoted father, loyal friend; he’s handsome, intelligent, funny, the perfect combination of strong masculinity […]

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I’m still thinking about poetry, poems, and, of course, me. I began re-reading some old favorites, just to see what would happen. And it happened – they invited me to leave the literal, and I followed.

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