
Archive for the ‘Reminiscences’ Category

-For those who dwell within   Tucked between the pages was a birthday card from Mort, who apparently missed my party in 1998 but was thoughtful enough to give me a book of poetry celebrating grandparenthood. Taller than me, older than me, more experienced in the world than me, Mort was kind enough to let me […]

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My son got invited over to a girl’s house. First time. According to the girl’s Dad, they talked and laughed the whole afternoon. A dazzlingly bright, warm Seattle day, a month before Seattle ever gets bright, sunny warm days, and these two holed up in her bedroom (door open, of course).  

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My tulips are about to bloom again. This will be their third year. I have spent much of the fall and winter wondering, again, if anything is happening to the dormant bulbs. Did I cut the flowers down correctly? Will any come back? Am I supposed to do something with them? I’ve simply left them […]

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Back when I was (more) awkward about relationships and sexuality, back at the time when I was, perhaps it’s more accurate to say, first awkward about relationships and sexuality, there was Truth or Dare. Answer a sadistic question designed to reveal your most private insecurities, inexperience, and unrequited crushes; or, preserve your tattered and inadequate […]

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I’ve heard that enlightenment comes from a form of detachment – the ability to go through life experiencing relationships, meals, sleep, work, love, devotion, prayer – any activity – with the capacity to feel it, live it, and let it go. No attachments –  not to meaning, not to particular feelings, not to suffering. No […]

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