
Archive for the ‘Relaxation’ Category

I had an hour to kill, so I stopped in to grab an appetizer. It was a quiet neighborhood restaurant, dimly but elegantly lit, with particularly nice tiny blue sparkling lights on the ceiling. I’d not been in before, but it offered tapas and Italian food; it was bound to be a fine way to […]

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Our day-after-Thanksgiving hike was cancelled due to rain. It’s been wet and soggy with the kind of rain that forces you to stay indoors for a few days. But yesterday was bright and sunny, the temperature perfect for sweatshirts if you also wore a hat and gloves. A perfect day for a walk. It was […]

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I’m the reason we didn’t see the Blue Angels when they were in town last year. There’s no possible way I can shift blame or fault to anyone else.

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Snow Days

Today is our third snow day in a row. My son has been in school for 2 hours this week; that included P.E. (rollerblading) and lunch. The remaining time was spent in the classroom, with the substitute teacher phoning parents to tell them of the early dismissal. Kids shared their cell phones (11 out of […]

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It’s amazing how difficult it is for me to do nothing. Lay on a chaise lounge for hours in the sun. Sit looking out over the water. Who are the people who are so relaxed that they fall asleep at the beach? For that matter, people who fall asleep any time after they’ve been up?

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