
Archive for the ‘Parenting’ Category

My son attended a model-building workshop for kids 8-12 years old. First they had kids brainstorm about what kinds of things are needed in a mixed-use urban site; then they had the kids ask the “community members” (parents willing to spend 3 precious weekend hours introducing their children to collective creativity and architectural planning processes) […]

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The holiday season is here. I am blessed with living parents, happiness and health under my own roof. Tonight I will fry potato pancakes, we will light candles, and usher in the 5th night of Hanukkah. My son will open a small present that may or may not disappoint him; Chanukah, after all, is not […]

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Sometimes when people talk about things, it doesn’t make them better. Couples therapists around the land are finally coming to this realization, long after the last decade or so of trying to get men to talk and talk and talk about their feelings, which often backfires when they share that they’re angry, frustrated, disappointed, sexually […]

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There are many parental refrains I have perfected, and more that I’m trying to eliminate from my daily routine. My son is about to become a middle schooler, and I have to step back, way back, from the “Did you brush your teeth?” and “Don’t forget your raincoat” kind of parenting. Decisions need to fall […]

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Evil is easy to spot. Especially when it’s in a cereal box aimed for little kids. I believe in the evil of Apple Jacks, Cap’n Crunch and Froot Loops. If it has “Frosted” in the name, my hand backs away from it, as it would if someone offered me just a taste of crack cocaine. […]

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