
Archive for the ‘Parenting’ Category

Dandelion fluff rains down swept this way and that on the warm breeze.  

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“What are your thoughts?” asked the husband to the wife.   “Hmmmmmm,” murmured the wife, stalling for time.  

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We hand things down, we humans. Genes, mannerisms, susceptibility to illness and disease, perhaps a family heirloom, perhaps a bit of an estate, perhaps the clutter of accumulated objects. Lessons. Heritage can be visible or hidden; gifts intentional or not; narratives oft-told or silent. It doesn’t matter what we believe we do; we hand just […]

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The trio at the table next to me at the pub were of indeterminate but comparable youth. At least they seemed so to me. Until one woman recounted a litany of physical complaints and ailments that the doctor kept telling her were stress-related. She just needed to relax. Go home for Thanksgiving, she was told. […]

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As a child, I fantasized that my real parents would search me out. Some days, the only possible explanation for the ever-widening gulf between me and the rest of my family, and the sheer impossibility that I could share any genetic material with the boy I was told is my brother, was that I’d been […]

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