
Archive for the ‘Relationships’ Category

I   The sun streams through the window baking my skin slowly creating its first heat since you touched me for the last time.  

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Within a few words, I placed the accent, the telltale rhythm and cadence of a homeland no longer my home.  

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I store my memories externally, in photos, belongings purchased during special times, gifts, books I once read or taught from, poems, and sometimes journals. One year I journaled on pages that I first painted, the colors and uneven texture of thickly painted paper eliciting words and phrases that had not emerged on crisp white sheets. […]

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Today’s tears came unexpectedly – as expected – while Nanci Griffith sang about love tried and failed, tried again. “Once stilled by love he was bound to roll on by.” It gets me every time.  

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It is not enough to sweep up broken glass.   Tiny shards, no matter how carefully I search for them, elude my broom. A second sweep, with a moist towel or sponge, that’s the step many people omit.  

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