
Archive for the ‘Relationships’ Category

With deft hands, tiny elves packed your memories away.  

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I come to life when color begins to leave the leaves when the stain of amber and gold and burnt sienna seeps into the once verdant green and school-bus yellow ushering in the rich and glorious palette of decay and death.  

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The first time I fell in love after living with a love grown cold, I remembered: we don’t love with our hearts.  

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I was a few rows behind, off to the right. You couldn’t see me.   From this angle, your face was unfamiliar.  

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It wasn’t time to wake up yet, even if the birds were singing, if your face was relaxed with predawn sleep, eyes closed, your lips parting slightly with the audible exhale you claimed I made up because you “didn’t snore.”  

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