
Archive for the ‘Relationships’ Category

Dandelion fluff rains down swept this way and that on the warm breeze.  

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Two years ago today, you died, Dad.   You missed the Alaska cruise, the week in London, two weddings, one at the exquisitely chic Sonoma winery, where you would have made that face you made whenever you succumbed to pressure to taste a great red wine, which never delivered anything close to the two-packet Sweet-n-Low […]

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As it always has, temptation came from the lure of the fruit and the urge of the Serpent.  

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I see your car in the driveway of the austere box of a house with concrete walls and huge windows – the house I imagined we could live in if we didn’t mind being on display.

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On the eve of a summer solstice the superior court judge heeded the death knell that silenced and shrouded our home and signed our decree

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