
Archive for the ‘Relationships’ Category

For Kathy In the otherworldly sheen of the poorly placed light my oldest friend’s cheeks and forehead gleamed golden, her pink-fringed gray locks shone in that single wizened color.

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I awoke in the endless stretch of 4 am, pre-dawn the longest span of pre-anything. The capacity to measure, surely, exists only when upright, eyes open to see the mark we place next to the beginning, the line we draw when we determine the end.

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The land loves us back. She loves us with beans and tomatoes, with roasting ears and blackberries and birdsongs.  -Robin Wall Kimmerer (2013). Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants It is not enough to know I loved the land the cerros – too big to be hills, too small to […]

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Obverse Pairs

Pondering the Yamahira exhibit deconstruction is an art form

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I married the man from an unbroken line of cattle rustlers and outlaws misogynists and God-fearers hard drinkers and card players good-ole boys and long-suffering wives descendants of those with skin white enough to hold slaves own vast farmland distill spirits to make it through North Dakota winters and high plains droughts.  

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