
Archive for the ‘Marriage’ Category

His and Her Matinees

His: The Immortals – Gods and Titans in a CGI special-effects extravaganza, heads sliced right off, chopping, murdering, swords, arrows, blood and severed body parts in 3D (I can just imagine people in the theater ducking out of the way of incoming parts and blood splatter), Mickey Rourke, good versus evil.   Hers: The Princess […]

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A Crack in the Diamond

This week is the anniversary of my maternal grandmother’s death. Also of her birthday, since they were just one day apart, her life opening and closing in a full circle, which seems somehow apt for a full-bodied, ample-bosomed woman who knew every kind of love and loss by the time it was her time to […]

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A while back I was strolling through a community garden, and came across a blaze of color. First I registered the deep pink, almost with hints of red in it, then the shape. They looked like calla lilies (I don’t know tons of flowers, but calla lilies are so unique I can actually remember them). […]

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A backwater town (if only there was water) nestled in base of a mountain valley, in a county called Mineral County, with a 2010 census of 410 people (up from 2000, when the town had a mere 374 people living in 152 households) is host to a bookstore proclaiming “100,000 Used Books.”   So off […]

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He tears up at the same country music lyrics that I do.

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