
Archive for the ‘Marriage’ Category

“Do you know what your love language is?” the pediatric podiatrist asked my son.   While the doctor tended to the tenacious wart at the bottom of my son’s foot, he patiently explained the basic tenets of Love Language theory. That there is one type of love that each person seems to want the most, […]

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There are those who love Valentine’s Day. There are those who hate it. It is deemed artificial, a contrivance, a plot by a greedy consumerist society to force people to purchase overpriced flowers, chocolate, prix fixe dinners, and, of course, the just-right Valentine’s Day card. Opt out, and you run the risk that your partner […]

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Back when I was (more) awkward about relationships and sexuality, back at the time when I was, perhaps it’s more accurate to say, first awkward about relationships and sexuality, there was Truth or Dare. Answer a sadistic question designed to reveal your most private insecurities, inexperience, and unrequited crushes; or, preserve your tattered and inadequate […]

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Small talk with a stranger on a plane can be many things, often adding up to not much of anything. Last weekend I met a guy who told me something I hadn’t heard before, but was, to him, common knowledge. He was a handsome, trim man, hair styled and clean shaven, wearing well-fitting jeans, a button-down […]

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Barry White Radio

“Wait, I thought I had pants on when I started this song.” “My clothes caught fire and fell off.” -Anonymous YouTube comments for Barry White

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