
Archive for the ‘Marriage’ Category

This is Not Poetry

Romance begins with anticipation, ripens with limited time, stolen moments, languid looks broken by shyness, making us turn away before hungrily returning. Poetry, too, requires mere snippets of time and space.  

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I can think of all the right things to say, all the kind, compassionate ways to acknowledge, “Yes, Darling, I know you’re in pain.” I can be open to feedback and receptive to his points of view, which are galaxies away from mine. I can grant that these points of view are valid. I am […]

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I overhead this two checkout lanes away at the grocery store. I think he was talking about cigars. But it could have been cigarettes. Could have been pot, although as yet we can’t by pot at the grocery store. Give it time, give it time.

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Up until last week, my husband drove a luxury sedan. He bought the 2001 car several years ago. It was sleek and powerful, had a smooth, comfortable ride, and looked elegant. Right after a car wash, that thing could shine. It was timeless in its masculine elegance.  

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Summer is approaching, and with the exception of Club Med, the years of summer camp have passed for grown ups. My son hasn’t yet wanted to do overnight camp, my husband never went, so I’m the only one in the house who knows about summer camp. The joy of camp songs, bug juice, care packages, […]

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