
Archive for the ‘Legacies’ Category

I blink my eyes shut, breathe in a rushed wish, raise my eyelids and blow out the candle. I am embarrassed, wonder if I’ve chosen a good-enough wish, what others will think, fake having made a wish when my mind draws a blank.

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I’m the kind of girl made for fur. I’m on the petite side of things, small boned, small hipped, with a modicum of upper body strength and strong, sturdy long legs and calves.  

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My Great Aunt turns 88 this Christmas. Growing up, she was the baker in the family. She whipped sponge cakes to 10 inch height. By hand. She had a tall metal bowl and a whisk. She walked around her kitchen stirring and walking and stirring and walking until she determined that she had them exactly […]

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Although it’s January, and should be too early for thoughts to turn to spring, my eyes caught sight of a planter, rather desolate in location (back stairs to an office building, concrete steps, leading out to a grocery-store/Starbucks style alleyway), with a nondescript tree, and, at its base, small green shoots poking out of the […]

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