
Archive for the ‘Leaving’ Category

Just for a moment

I am the comma, the tiniest of endings between the known and something more.

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Bleak as the splat of the just-fed bird’s dropping on my lime green dress of cashmere whitish liquid dripping its way down  what had been a rarely achieved elegance. Omens are no rival for blindness. That royal raven chased me out of its court sent me running, frightened and foolish, sure it was happening, unsure I […]

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The land loves us back. She loves us with beans and tomatoes, with roasting ears and blackberries and birdsongs.  -Robin Wall Kimmerer (2013). Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants It is not enough to know I loved the land the cerros – too big to be hills, too small to […]

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