
Archive for the ‘Friendship’ Category

I think I met a friend for breakfast at a gay bar. I thought it was a breakfast joint – a simple Italian restaurant that also served breakfast. I’ve been part of a couple for so long, I’d forgotten that some breakfast joints are actually places to hang out to stave off a hangover or […]

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I’m on a weekend snow trip, which, for those who know me, is a strange thing to hear from me. Having grown up with snow, then choosing to leave it, I am not usually one who seeks out how to return to it.

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A friend told me she made an old recipe recently: Betty Crocker’s “Bonnie Butter Cake.” As there was no actual person named Betty Crocker, perhaps she never had a friend named Bonnie for whom this yellow cake is named.   I hadn’t thought of that cake for years – ok, maybe decades – but just its […]

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I have been wanting to learn how to make a good pie, with the right kind of buttery, smooth, crumbly, perfectly-browned crust that I know other people’s mothers make. As a mother myself, I have now come to understand that I am among the small minority of women who don’t know how to make pie, […]

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