
Archive for the ‘Friendship’ Category

A while back, I attended a house concert that proved to be an unexpected delight. The evening was a perfect combination of youth, beauty, music, a glass of unexceptional red wine (as far as I can tell, large pot-luck events seem to yield an abundance of unexceptional wines, and the one I contributed was no […]

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If Prince William asks for a groom’s cake to be made from the McVitie’s company, perhaps the little Digestive biscuits I’ve been eating for 20+ years aren’t something to sneer at.  

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My son has a friend he met two summers ago at a week-long summer camp. Our families live on opposite sides of town, their house perched at the edge not only of our city but seemingly the edge of the continent, looking out over a span of water that feeds into the Pacific Ocean. The […]

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Asked to write in verse To make long thoughts terse Prose is my genre now Literary essays of how . . . How I imagine How I hope How I dream How I regret How I see within and among and between the lines (to be exact). I’m afraid of poetry, turns out. Early efforts […]

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I was back in my son’s classroom, in an after-school effort to help the kids build Tikis as part of their study of Easter Island. His school has an amazing program where the whole school studies one continent a year, each classroom focusing on one country. This culminates in giant classroom projects, a school-wide evening […]

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