
Archive for the ‘Friendship’ Category

A favorite James Taylor song reminds me of an old friend. If I count the years since we were students, the time spent with a whole country between us, the numbers surpass two decades. He’s a brilliant man, a good husband, devoted father, loyal friend; he’s handsome, intelligent, funny, the perfect combination of strong masculinity […]

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“Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.” -Ed Prentiss, 1965, Days of Our Lives   Friday was Professional Development day at my son’s school, meaning the entire public school population was turned loose upon the city. Working and nonworking parents alike had their little ones back for a day. Middle […]

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Well, I might be able to be friends with her when I’m done being mad. And envious. And disappointed. And full of regret. But I bet I’d really like her when I was done with all these reactions. First, the back story.

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Every now and then I encounter a situation that, while in it, I’m thinking of how I’m going to write about it. The incident – either what is happening to me, or what I’m seeing, or what I’m hearing or reading or learning – seems so unique, so interesting, so odd, or just so crazy, […]

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The other day I was in charge of 4 10-year-old boys for a beach adventure, so there was digging, planning, creating the world’s most intricate city of sand. A few times one boy chose more solitary pursuits while the others built and dug; he seamlessly joined and left the group to fly a kite, kick […]

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