
Archive for the ‘Friendship’ Category

Some days, “goodness” is defined more simply. A break in the weather.  Errands completed with relative ease. My son has a good day at school and responds by my 4th nagging request to get off the computer. My husband returns from his 12-hour day energized and fatigued, rather than exhausted and depleted. I manage to […]

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I. The Fat Squirrel   We are host to a greedy squirrel. It hangs its ever-widening body off the pagoda roof of the bird feeder, tail above feet above head, furiously stuffing morsels into its mouth, creating a rain shower of corn kernels and seeds in the frenzy to get more. It squats on its […]

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Three 12-year-olds are in my living room, finally slowing down for some screen time before heading off to sleeping bags and whispered late night boy humor. My best friend was just visiting, and somehow the topic of The Three Stooges came up. She asserted that the timelessness of their comedy is dependent on Curly. I […]

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I spoke to an old friend the other day, and lightly let slip a rather critical assessment of a long-ago ex. My words were clever yet cutting – I lamented how it was unlikely he was ever going to reconstitute into a reasonable facsimile of a man.  

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Here’s the way today’s piece went:   I had a great idea. A perfect quote. I was mulling it around for a few days, rolling it under my tongue like hard candy. The source was high brow enough (a 100+-year-old well-respected essay on cultural relativism and the inevitability that otherness is met with criticism and […]

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