
Archive for the ‘Political Correctness’ Category

I’m the kind of girl made for fur. I’m on the petite side of things, small boned, small hipped, with a modicum of upper body strength and strong, sturdy long legs and calves.  

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Just as favorite tchotchkes, designer clothes and heirloom china lose all value once placed on the driveway for the yard sale, Biblical verses, hand-painted on the screaming purple, blue, yellow, green and red truck hitched behind the purple, blue, yellow, green and red  former school bus, seem reduced too far. If Jesus really loved me, […]

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A few months ago, my son attended a two-part lecture for dads and sons about puberty. A funny yet informative lecture allowing giggles and laughter to smooth over plain old-fashioned information that normalizes puberty and soaks into the boys’ psyches. By the mere fact of attending, each young boy has been surreptitiously exposed to an […]

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We are living in a time of ultimate personal and household revolution. We used to be able to go to the pharmacy, drugstore, grocery store, purchase our items, and have them placed in bags for us. We’d carry those bags to our fossil-fuel-depleting cars, bring our over-abundance of consumer demand products into our climate-controlled homes, […]

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My son attended a model-building workshop for kids 8-12 years old. First they had kids brainstorm about what kinds of things are needed in a mixed-use urban site; then they had the kids ask the “community members” (parents willing to spend 3 precious weekend hours introducing their children to collective creativity and architectural planning processes) […]

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