
Archive for the ‘Personal Growth’ Category

I’ve heard that one way to reach enlightenment, or at least not to be so frustrated by daily irritations, is to assume that everyone we encounter each day is a Buddha, an eminent teacher sent to help us learn an important lesson about ourselves. Many of these Buddhas are wrapped in loving-kindness, and meeting them […]

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There were no unknowns in this morning’s dream – the cast of characters, the setting, the emotions. Some of the plot details are fading, but the feel remains.

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I finished the book this morning – I couldn’t stay up long enough to finish it in one night. I still didn’t remember anything about it while I read it, even as I reread the exact passage I’d saved for my own posterity.

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I had my second home-made peach pie last week, although this one was made by a good friend who cooks for a living, so I refrained from all pulls to compare hers to mine.   She brought it over for a Labor Day BBQ, and it needed to be warmed before serving. After about an […]

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I met a young man at a party for young people. This early 20-something young man had bright eyes that shone through shiny, tousled brown hair, an open smile, and a palpable energy of exuberance and youthful certainty of his proclamations. He radiated a sense of confidence in what he knows to be true, about […]

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