
Archive for the ‘Personal Growth’ Category

Sometimes it’s good to keep things simple. To refrain from overanalyzing, sorting though, figuring out, staying in the gray between extremes or opposites. Hot/Cold. Good/Bad. In/Out. Soft/Hard. Open/Closed. Love/ ? [What’s the opposite of love? Perhaps I’ve just stumbled on a topic for another day.]

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My son’s math curriculum is called Everyday Math – the idea is to use math concepts in everyday situations we encounter, rather than keep math separate, a subject during the school day that has no tie to real life. Thus, he can figure out fractions when we need only 2 of a dozen eggs, or […]

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Last week, on my short morning commute, the radio announcer reminded all in his listening domain that it was the 10-year anniversary of a large earthquake that had hit this area. Ten years – really? Well, yes, according to very simple math, it has been ten years since February 28, 2001. But the math and […]

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Picture this: A French Patisserie with floor-to-ceiling windows on both sides of its distressed wooden front door, with a view to gleaming cases of sun-touched, butter-kissed breads, croissants, pastries, some with jam, some with sugary/buttery/vanilla-enhanced cream cheese that manages to be smooth and creamy and not-too-sweet, tarts with fruit slices or berries atop lemony custard, […]

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I was thinking about fear the other day. Not my own fears (at least not initially!), but those of another. She wants to know what she might do with her life if she weren’t so governed by fear. What would it look like? What would she do? Who would be in her life? As I […]

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