
Archive for the ‘Personal Growth’ Category

Pop quiz: Acts of self-control reduce subsequent acts of . . . (a) impulsivity and over-indulgence (b) poor decision-making (c) saying or doing things we’ll later regret (d) sticking with a new activity that began as a New Year’s resolution (e) all of the above. Answer: Most people would choose (e) – we have been […]

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This was not a compliment.   There was no accompanying sigh, but the disappointment seemed audible. I had been summed up and found to be flawed. Dismissed.

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I’m trying on a new life philosophy. It lacks elegance, it lacks sophistication, but what it has is the kind of simplicity that life philosophies should have. It’s based on a change in the fundamental premises by which I have built my life: What if I stopped taking things so seriously, stopped assuming that each […]

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I spend much of my life working with people to release their firm grip on the metaphoric steering wheel in their lives, giving up the fruitless notion of control, surrendering to the absolute “OK-ness” of any given moment, since to fight against reality leads only to discontent. Or madness. The stuff of dark gothic novels […]

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A few days ago, a dear friend invited me to join in something that pushes the edges of my sense of self. Nothing dangerous or illegal, not even too silly (which I’d rarely decline anyway), but something that would require me to enhance and enlarge a part of my identity, and to move toward reclaiming […]

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