
Archive for the ‘Personal Growth’ Category

Early morning gray mist descended on bare branches etched charcoal.  

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I stood at the far end of a long, shallow reflecting pond, fuzzy green with algae and scum, offering no reflection. Four brown ducks, aligned in a row, glided toward the opposite end, taking turns bobbing under then popping up above the surface. Four perfect triangles, feathered and syncopated, arose then vanished. One’s bottom would […]

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Every few years, I determine to be a better person. My ideas are no more outrageous nor ordinary than any New Year’s resolution: Read the classics. Take smaller portions. Clean out the clutter. Read poetry. Keep up with the news. Call my parents more than once a week. Give more to charity. Floss more often. […]

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Back when I was (more) awkward about relationships and sexuality, back at the time when I was, perhaps it’s more accurate to say, first awkward about relationships and sexuality, there was Truth or Dare. Answer a sadistic question designed to reveal your most private insecurities, inexperience, and unrequited crushes; or, preserve your tattered and inadequate […]

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In the week between Christmas and New Year’s, the week in which the only retail purchases I make are those you can make in the small local grocery store, I ran out of stamps. I held off, though; principles are principles. By January second, I had bills that had to go out. I also had […]

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