
Archive for the ‘Waterfall’ Category

I seek a larger congregation, ceiling taller than pines the house of the Lord, you might think, of eagles and the cascading fall spraying snow-melted mist

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We were an unlikely quartet alongside the Snoqualmie River’s South Fork the tall and lumbering Taiwanese student towering over the thin and lanky American teen the energetic dog pulling the 50-something suitor up the trail and me the other 50-something tracking literary allusions stopping for expansive breaths murmuring metta blessings closing my eyes to receive […]

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I look up without seeing the source.   Cold spray moistens cheeks already moistened by tears.   Beauty crashes down with a rumble and roar into pools of sorrow.   My body reverberates as love crashes down, the confluence of creek and river, you and me, forged in the roar of the falls.

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