
Archive for the ‘Tulips’ Category

I flew amidst the bumpiness of air currents Not knowing that between land and cloud It wasn’t wind, but Death blowing in, come to snatch The final breath Of one who would never reach His 2nd birthday.  

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My tulips are about to bloom again. This will be their third year. I have spent much of the fall and winter wondering, again, if anything is happening to the dormant bulbs. Did I cut the flowers down correctly? Will any come back? Am I supposed to do something with them? I’ve simply left them […]

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Right on schedule, April came to a close and our first tulip has died.  

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As of today, there are 23 tulip buds poking their way up through the dirt under my three front windows.   I have been counting daily.

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Although it’s January, and should be too early for thoughts to turn to spring, my eyes caught sight of a planter, rather desolate in location (back stairs to an office building, concrete steps, leading out to a grocery-store/Starbucks style alleyway), with a nondescript tree, and, at its base, small green shoots poking out of the […]

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