
Archive for the ‘Space/Universe’ Category

With at least an hour before sunrise predawn roosters crow church bells chime dogs bark and I’m pretty sure that’s a mule bellowing

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Between galaxies, there is nothing. Empty space. Unmeasurably vast, deep expanses of a kind of nothing we can’t fathom, can’t name.

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I imagine fingers tasting nose caressing embrace inhaling pulse undressing gaze blanketing breath bathing chest laughing eyes licking heart devouring tongue listening sigh kissing smell encompassing teeth tickling hair grasping lips tumbling   Lost/found, filled/emptied, taken/released, awoken/lulled dissolving/re-forming in the folds of time and space.   The galaxy, once hidden, revealed each time you blink.

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The wind wrestles rain from the leaves Dropping them audibly, distinctly, on my skin, hair, glasses, toes. No one can identify the onset of wind.

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