
Archive for the ‘Seasons’ Category

It was sunny today, our first pure blue-skied, warm Spring day, with rain predicted by late tomorrow night, so I cajoled my husband to come on a hike. We returned to a rather strenuous one we’d taken once before, the “little” hike to its big brother full mountain hike, a mere 2.2 miles to the […]

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We’ve had an odd few days of weather. Daffodil and crocus bulbs have emerged, my tulips sprang back from last year, and we had some warmth and sun that made us think the cold, wet winter was behind us. Then we were slammed with a week of wet, soggy, cold downpours. A few snow flurries. […]

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Snow Days

Today is our third snow day in a row. My son has been in school for 2 hours this week; that included P.E. (rollerblading) and lunch. The remaining time was spent in the classroom, with the substitute teacher phoning parents to tell them of the early dismissal. Kids shared their cell phones (11 out of […]

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Rainy Day Commute

It rained today, in my rainy town. A gray, steady, cold, Fall rain, carrying the last of the colorful leaves down to blanket cars, sidewalks, roads. My gray car, parked under a particularly leafy tree, wore Dalmatian-like spots of red, gold and orange. Most of the leaves blew off as I drove away, except for […]

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I woke up early this morning, and heard the sheets of rain as they were coming down, the loud, individual drips from the drain pipes, and from the window in my office, I now hear the water pooling, gurgling almost, in a part of our lawn which has insufficient drainage, and the additional drip of […]

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