
Archive for the ‘Seasons’ Category

I’m the kind of girl made for fur. I’m on the petite side of things, small boned, small hipped, with a modicum of upper body strength and strong, sturdy long legs and calves.  

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My tulips are about to bloom again. This will be their third year. I have spent much of the fall and winter wondering, again, if anything is happening to the dormant bulbs. Did I cut the flowers down correctly? Will any come back? Am I supposed to do something with them? I’ve simply left them […]

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I don’t know when it is officially ladybug season, but I am reasonably sure it is not January 2nd in my part of the northern hemisphere, where I awoke this morning to a crystalline white blanket of sheer ice atop cars, sidewalks, lawns, dormant flower beds, even hibernating Weber grills. It’s winter. Nothing’s newly blooming […]

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One minute of daylight gained; the sun set at 4:22 pm instead of 4:21 pm. I didn’t pay much attention to this incremental change, the beginning of what I will eventually experience as languid, indulgent daylight hours, warm evenings that never seem to darken completely.   One minute doesn’t seem like enough time to do […]

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I have a very limited range of air temperature comfort. My body runs cold if the air is anything less than 68 or 70 degrees; my nose is cold, my feet and hands are cold, and I need the electric blanket to warm up the bed before I get in. I might just wear gloves and a winter […]

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