
Archive for the ‘Seasons’ Category

Spring out of Reach

Spring is blooming, it’s the season to fall in love scented, blossoming canopies jacaranda flowers pale indigo cherry blossoms pink and white blushing wisteria orange and lemon perfume the air even cactus bloom in the desert though from the window we see only needles or trees cordoned off with yellow tape or a corridor bereft […]

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On the eve of a summer solstice the superior court judge heeded the death knell that silenced and shrouded our home and signed our decree

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I   In the black of the morning brake lights and street lights strung together like a garland blurred by the arcs of rainwater dragged back and forth across the windshield.

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I come to life when color begins to leave the leaves when the stain of amber and gold and burnt sienna seeps into the once verdant green and school-bus yellow ushering in the rich and glorious palette of decay and death.  

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First the crocuses, bursting blue and purple, then the yellow of daffodils, now the blaze of tulips pushing forward to the front of the line, boisterous school children lined up for recess, struggling to wait their turn, antsy, unruly, yet held to the rules, holding, each in its turn, colors and shapes harmonizing, each stem […]

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