
Archive for the ‘Seasons’ Category

I’ve burrowed inside during the last week of snow, ice, the endless deluge of mudslide-threatening rain. Relief surges as I feel cold air on my face, my belly warm and soft with gratitude to be awake before the sun crests, in the pause before birdsong.

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Preparing for Spring

Daffodils bow their heads, shyly pour their golden silence, evade the prying lens, beckon human eyes of the very young, beetles and squirrels scurrying below, those willing to lie down on moist cold dirt to peer inside, past the attention-seeking stigma to the hushed ovary, protectively hidden, the seed-bearing life-giver we charge past, ignore until […]

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He spoke of watching the hummingbird bring soft fuzz and leaves high in the sequoia in the front yard. He watched it turn around and form it with its vibrating tail feathers and tiny humming bottom, circling like a dog before settling in, readying it for its mate. He told of the days that came […]

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[To be published in Kitchen Table Quarterly, Jan 9, 2024] Purple-black and plump, still warm from the vine, like dandelion flowers or a sacred dusty crow feather in a child’s sweaty hand. I am treasure-seeker, willing to brush off soil, cut off moldy rind, reach through brambly thorns, past the green, yellow, orange and even […]

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Grandmother’s feuille-morte­ quilt brown, crimson, tan, amber, purple beckons me barefoot but if I dared my feet would sink in cold slippery leaves soggy black dirt and gnarled twigs.

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