
Archive for the ‘Roses’ Category

The sparser the innate joy that springs from being alive, the more fervently we seek joy’s pale substitute, pleasure. -Gabor Maté (2008), In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts The dozen roses on the coffee table are the faintest coral, their petals sheer and delicate, more thin, flimsy parchment than flower. The colors fade toward the […]

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There are those who love Valentine’s Day. There are those who hate it. It is deemed artificial, a contrivance, a plot by a greedy consumerist society to force people to purchase overpriced flowers, chocolate, prix fixe dinners, and, of course, the just-right Valentine’s Day card. Opt out, and you run the risk that your partner […]

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I spent some time over the weekend strolling through Portland, OR’s rose gardens (there are two, go figure – I thought there was only one). I brought my low-end digital camera, and just started walking, stopping whenever color, form, or curiosity moved me.

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