
Archive for the ‘Rain’ Category

I look for you

Te busco, soledad,  en el paisaje                      donde habita en la sombra  mi poesía.                            ———————————————————– I look for you, loneliness, in the landscape where my poetry lives in the shadow.  -From Elogio a […]

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Corner to Corner

He stood still and stoic the only movement a steady tap-tap-tap of the cane’s white marshmallow ball making constant contact with the sidewalk curb.  

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Coffee Shop

In the coffee shop where we once nestled I sit by the window cold air seeping through. Hard gray rain coming down in diagonals bouncing off the gray sidewalk repelling off the windshields and hoods of gray cars parked outside the café. The pounding kind of rain that even we poets, rain-lovers and darkness-dwellers that […]

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Dances with Worms

The post-rainfall Wisconsin worms were fat, long, everywhere. It took forever to walk to school those days, as I methodically calculated each footstep. To avoid squishing them, releasing even more of the pungent earthy smell I hated. To avoid accidentally cutting one in two, creating two separate worms that would live where there once was […]

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My literary/relational mind is poorly suited for certain types of science. When I first heard of string theory, I personalized – and simplified – it; perhaps this is what non-physicists do. I like the idea that people and objects are more than random particles, and that instead, something exists in the in-between, connecting bits and […]

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