
Archive for the ‘Natural World’ Category

The winds howled and moaned dirt and leaves and bug carcasses and dust bunnies eddied and swirled bounced down the clay tile steps one by one a soft whoosh followed by a light scraping sound as crisp dry bougainvillea leaves skittered in attempt to break free of the twirling mass until finally the debris-heavy funnel […]

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Spring out of Reach

Spring is blooming, it’s the season to fall in love scented, blossoming canopies jacaranda flowers pale indigo cherry blossoms pink and white blushing wisteria orange and lemon perfume the air even cactus bloom in the desert though from the window we see only needles or trees cordoned off with yellow tape or a corridor bereft […]

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With at least an hour before sunrise predawn roosters crow church bells chime dogs bark and I’m pretty sure that’s a mule bellowing

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La Reconquista

I walked your banks determined to reclaim you from history – from our story – make you my own

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Beneath the earth’s surface time is languid formations otherworldly, silent some millions, some thousands, of years in the making a thousand years from now gazers will see the centimeter of growth

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