
Archive for the ‘Natural World’ Category

A building has at least two lives – the one imagined by its maker and the life it lives afterward – and they are never the same.    – Rem Koolhaas Some never knew of the secret stair, smooth, cool caracol of white cantera, winding out of sight complicit in the house built in another era […]

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Gold Dust

Inured to the fine veins of your being, I am crisscrossed by brutish passageways

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Bleak as the splat of the just-fed bird’s dropping on my lime green dress of cashmere whitish liquid dripping its way down  what had been a rarely achieved elegance. Omens are no rival for blindness. That royal raven chased me out of its court sent me running, frightened and foolish, sure it was happening, unsure I […]

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Preparing for Spring

Daffodils bow their heads, shyly pour their golden silence, evade the prying lens, beckon human eyes of the very young, beetles and squirrels scurrying below, those willing to lie down on moist cold dirt to peer inside, past the attention-seeking stigma to the hushed ovary, protectively hidden, the seed-bearing life-giver we charge past, ignore until […]

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That night of the thick fog, razor-sharp winds, the sky and ground the same dull, impenetrable gray, my fingers and toes, cheeks and ears unable to discern temperature, pain signals tapping an indecipherable morse code, dots of panic, dashes of resignation. I couldn’t see any way out.

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