
Archive for the ‘Natural World’ Category

I’ve burrowed inside during the last week of snow, ice, the endless deluge of mudslide-threatening rain. Relief surges as I feel cold air on my face, my belly warm and soft with gratitude to be awake before the sun crests, in the pause before birdsong.

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I prefer the city at dusk, skies brush-stroked vivid, intensifying as the backdrop goes black, easier to be alone.

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Rousted from buxom dreams, hunched like a tramp, she crept along the thin knife’s edge, then curled, petal-soft, averting pursuit.

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It’s hearts that get broken, not water, not rivers. Etel Adnan, Surge (2018). Night is for sleep. Usually. The curious, the lonely, the still-awake padding softly from bedroom window, shades drawn, to kitchen, to backdoor, to fence behind the garden, latched loosely. To join the buzz and hum that continue, defying false stillness curated indoors, […]

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Some summer mornings I resist the invitation to greet the day on the page, murmur excuses within the crowded clamor – too cold, too gray, too late – then the seagull flies overhead, mouth dangling dark matter extracted from a neighbor’s gutter, to the nest I cannot see but must be close.

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