
Archive for the ‘Natural World’ Category

I have a very limited range of air temperature comfort. My body runs cold if the air is anything less than 68 or 70 degrees; my nose is cold, my feet and hands are cold, and I need the electric blanket to warm up the bed before I get in. I might just wear gloves and a winter […]

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Foam insulation is washing up on the shores of southwest Washington. Last week, a dock float showed up on the Oregon coast. According to a recent Los Angeles news story, this was a concrete and metal fishing dock approximately the size of a freight train box car: 66 feet long, 7 feet tall and 19 […]

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There are many parental refrains I have perfected, and more that I’m trying to eliminate from my daily routine. My son is about to become a middle schooler, and I have to step back, way back, from the “Did you brush your teeth?” and “Don’t forget your raincoat” kind of parenting. Decisions need to fall […]

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It was sunny today, our first pure blue-skied, warm Spring day, with rain predicted by late tomorrow night, so I cajoled my husband to come on a hike. We returned to a rather strenuous one we’d taken once before, the “little” hike to its big brother full mountain hike, a mere 2.2 miles to the […]

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We’ve had an odd few days of weather. Daffodil and crocus bulbs have emerged, my tulips sprang back from last year, and we had some warmth and sun that made us think the cold, wet winter was behind us. Then we were slammed with a week of wet, soggy, cold downpours. A few snow flurries. […]

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