
Archive for the ‘Natural World’ Category

The expansive bowed head of the weeping willow obscured the street, illusion of isolation inked permanent. Unobstructed, its water-seeking roots could not reach pipes or property lines.

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Future Fossil Inspired by Clarissa Tossin: to take root among the stars, Oct 7, 2023 – Jan 7, 2024. Frye Art Museum, Seattle, WA, USA. Forged elements, layered through weathering all that will disintegrate, decompose the last desolate act that leaves me empty, bones converted to core sample.

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Life richer the smaller I live it, the less effort to dominate, win, understand. Better to be the size of orange ladybugs consummating, the bottom one still, the top one shimmying, vibrating, wriggling before releasing on that vine, tiny white flowers blooming, unphased I did not know their name. Smaller than the me and you, […]

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I seek a larger congregation, ceiling taller than pines the house of the Lord, you might think, of eagles and the cascading fall spraying snow-melted mist

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– For Joe José Raúl V I rechristened myself. A name I failed to use, known only by one man: tall with a large unbroken heart, deep sonorous voice, a new third passport, a can’t-find-his-home wanderer, he comes and goes, visits familia, returns to his rechristened country, explores. He uses all his names. He uses […]

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