
Archive for the ‘Natural World’ Category

There are those who love Valentine’s Day. There are those who hate it. It is deemed artificial, a contrivance, a plot by a greedy consumerist society to force people to purchase overpriced flowers, chocolate, prix fixe dinners, and, of course, the just-right Valentine’s Day card. Opt out, and you run the risk that your partner […]

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I don’t know when it is officially ladybug season, but I am reasonably sure it is not January 2nd in my part of the northern hemisphere, where I awoke this morning to a crystalline white blanket of sheer ice atop cars, sidewalks, lawns, dormant flower beds, even hibernating Weber grills. It’s winter. Nothing’s newly blooming […]

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One minute of daylight gained; the sun set at 4:22 pm instead of 4:21 pm. I didn’t pay much attention to this incremental change, the beginning of what I will eventually experience as languid, indulgent daylight hours, warm evenings that never seem to darken completely.   One minute doesn’t seem like enough time to do […]

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Our day-after-Thanksgiving hike was cancelled due to rain. It’s been wet and soggy with the kind of rain that forces you to stay indoors for a few days. But yesterday was bright and sunny, the temperature perfect for sweatshirts if you also wore a hat and gloves. A perfect day for a walk. It was […]

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Not too long ago – in the time of my youth, let’s say – zombies, vampires and werewolves only rarely populated popular fiction. Each offered a slightly different variant for errant unconscious sexual and aggressive fantasies. Flash forward a few mere decades and the undead are a cultural phenomenon.

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