
Archive for the ‘Natural World’ Category

One cannot simply walk out the front door, head outside, venture into the great out of doors. These are acts for which we now require preparation. The first of the day’s SPF 50 must be applied. A large-brim hat must be donned. Water bottles filled. Snacks selected. Protective eye wear put on. Hypoallergenic, natural bug […]

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It’s not obvious what to write about after a day atop the Coast Mountains, a part of the North American Pacific Coast Ranges. Or, rather, it is so obvious that one cannot actually write it. Feeling insignificantly small against the unending vistas. Breathing requiring conscious effort as one ascends the “easy” trail at 7000 feet, […]

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“Maybe you ought to keep going, find something else to write about. Not a lot of people will know what that is,” said my husband, in response to hearing the title I was proposing for this piece. He might have been embarrassed that he didn’t remember this from his statistics class, but I’ve vowed not […]

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My son is beginning to make small acts of defiance. He’s late to the defiance game, judging by most other families of similar-age kids I’ve met over the years. He’s polite, hates to make mistakes, wants to start his homework even before grabbing an after-school snack. He wakes up on his own, goes to bed […]

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My tulips are about to bloom again. This will be their third year. I have spent much of the fall and winter wondering, again, if anything is happening to the dormant bulbs. Did I cut the flowers down correctly? Will any come back? Am I supposed to do something with them? I’ve simply left them […]

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