
Archive for the ‘Natural World’ Category

My son and husband returned from their guys’ adventure with tales of the lemur’s angry noises. They’d seen cougars, tigers, emus, alpaca, even the largest captive herd of Siberian reindeer (not to mention Santa and a bevy of elves). But it was the eruption of lemur screams that captivated them.  

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I walked away from the bonfire, toward the bay, toward the horizon, except there’s no horizon after dark. My rain boots crunched and squished along the rocks and shells and sand, and as I walked further out, sank a bit with each step. This was sand rarely exposed to air. I walked among pools of […]

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I don’t mean to dis Jesus, as I get that He did some mighty amazing things while still a man, but as far as I know, it was not His idea to dust chocolate truffles with sea salt. He may have thought about it, having been baptized in the River Jordan, oh-so-close to the Dead […]

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My literary/relational mind is poorly suited for certain types of science. When I first heard of string theory, I personalized – and simplified – it; perhaps this is what non-physicists do. I like the idea that people and objects are more than random particles, and that instead, something exists in the in-between, connecting bits and […]

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I. The Fat Squirrel   We are host to a greedy squirrel. It hangs its ever-widening body off the pagoda roof of the bird feeder, tail above feet above head, furiously stuffing morsels into its mouth, creating a rain shower of corn kernels and seeds in the frenzy to get more. It squats on its […]

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