
Archive for the ‘Natural World’ Category

I store my memories externally, in photos, belongings purchased during special times, gifts, books I once read or taught from, poems, and sometimes journals. One year I journaled on pages that I first painted, the colors and uneven texture of thickly painted paper eliciting words and phrases that had not emerged on crisp white sheets. […]

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Early morning gray mist descended on bare branches etched charcoal.  

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Twenty two years after his death, I sit on the weather-stripped bench. At my feet a small plaque commemorates a man I never met, whose family and friends chose to mark his life. To mark his death, really, as that’s the only year engraved. Chose for strangers who never knew he existed to know that […]

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I stood at the far end of a long, shallow reflecting pond, fuzzy green with algae and scum, offering no reflection. Four brown ducks, aligned in a row, glided toward the opposite end, taking turns bobbing under then popping up above the surface. Four perfect triangles, feathered and syncopated, arose then vanished. One’s bottom would […]

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I’m the kind of girl made for fur. I’m on the petite side of things, small boned, small hipped, with a modicum of upper body strength and strong, sturdy long legs and calves.  

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