
Archive for the ‘Natural World’ Category

I flew amidst the bumpiness of air currents Not knowing that between land and cloud It wasn’t wind, but Death blowing in, come to snatch The final breath Of one who would never reach His 2nd birthday.  

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Maybe I’d have seen the eclipse if I lived somewhere between Iceland and Norway, two countries that I’ve spent at most 15 minutes of my 50-plus years contemplating, and most of those lost wondering how cold I’d be and what kind of pajamas would I need to sleep in an ice hotel and could I […]

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Within a few words, I placed the accent, the telltale rhythm and cadence of a homeland no longer my home.  

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I imagine fingers tasting nose caressing embrace inhaling pulse undressing gaze blanketing breath bathing chest laughing eyes licking heart devouring tongue listening sigh kissing smell encompassing teeth tickling hair grasping lips tumbling   Lost/found, filled/emptied, taken/released, awoken/lulled dissolving/re-forming in the folds of time and space.   The galaxy, once hidden, revealed each time you blink.

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First the crocuses, bursting blue and purple, then the yellow of daffodils, now the blaze of tulips pushing forward to the front of the line, boisterous school children lined up for recess, struggling to wait their turn, antsy, unruly, yet held to the rules, holding, each in its turn, colors and shapes harmonizing, each stem […]

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