
Archive for the ‘Natural World’ Category

It was a surprise to learn the park was closed giant wrought iron gates chained and padlocked shut in anticipation of strong winds and rain forecast for much later in the day.

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I look for you

Te busco, soledad,  en el paisaje                      donde habita en la sombra  mi poesía.                            ———————————————————– I look for you, loneliness, in the landscape where my poetry lives in the shadow.  -From Elogio a […]

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Waking at Moonset

Red orange orb glowing low a child’s ball rolled down the mountain stopped in the crevice of the other side before it could reach the only one here who could catch it, La Pípila.

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What would the world be, once bereft Of wet and of wildness? Let them be left, O let them be left, wildness and wet; Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet. -Gerard Manley Hopkins, Inversnaid (1881)  

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Releasing the Claim

We climbed narrow cobblestone spirals the fortress perched where hilltop meets sky overlooking the Guadalete River.

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