
Archive for the ‘Natural Disaster’ Category

Put down the sponge, walk away from the sink with dishes from today’s lunch: muhammara and hummus, olive-oil-dipped pita, organic arugula and Persian cucumber, a feast of Middle Eastern flavors needs not be tidied. I wonder about calling Mom, or my friends, wonder about lying down so that at least I’m snug in bed, but […]

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Note: On the night of November 4, 1966 the Arno overflowed, reaching 10 feet above street level. It filled many of Florence’s historic streets, museums, churches, and libraries with mud. After the disaster, citizens and foreigners living in Florence took to the streets, museums, and libraries to salvage masterpieces and manuscripts from the mud, in the most uncomfortable […]

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Not too long ago – in the time of my youth, let’s say – zombies, vampires and werewolves only rarely populated popular fiction. Each offered a slightly different variant for errant unconscious sexual and aggressive fantasies. Flash forward a few mere decades and the undead are a cultural phenomenon.

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Foam insulation is washing up on the shores of southwest Washington. Last week, a dock float showed up on the Oregon coast. According to a recent Los Angeles news story, this was a concrete and metal fishing dock approximately the size of a freight train box car: 66 feet long, 7 feet tall and 19 […]

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Last week, on my short morning commute, the radio announcer reminded all in his listening domain that it was the 10-year anniversary of a large earthquake that had hit this area. Ten years – really? Well, yes, according to very simple math, it has been ten years since February 28, 2001. But the math and […]

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