
Archive for the ‘Moon/moonlight’ Category

He spoke of watching the hummingbird bring soft fuzz and leaves high in the sequoia in the front yard. He watched it turn around and form it with its vibrating tail feathers and tiny humming bottom, circling like a dog before settling in, readying it for its mate. He told of the days that came […]

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Waking at Moonset

Red orange orb glowing low a child’s ball rolled down the mountain stopped in the crevice of the other side before it could reach the only one here who could catch it, La Pípila.

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Maybe I’d have seen the eclipse if I lived somewhere between Iceland and Norway, two countries that I’ve spent at most 15 minutes of my 50-plus years contemplating, and most of those lost wondering how cold I’d be and what kind of pajamas would I need to sleep in an ice hotel and could I […]

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Within a few words, I placed the accent, the telltale rhythm and cadence of a homeland no longer my home.  

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