
Archive for the ‘Birds’ Category

Releasing the Claim

We climbed narrow cobblestone spirals the fortress perched where hilltop meets sky overlooking the Guadalete River.

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I placed two octagonal centavos in the vendedor callejero’s weathered brown hand. He opened the door of the two-tiered cage underneath an intricately carved wooden castle to release the light yellow canary. It hopped onto the embroidered Mayan cloth toward a box overfull with colored slips of paper folded and numbered packed like tea bags […]

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Birdsong competes with the fluorescents’ buzz the cold concrete risers of the underground parking lot emitting tweets and chirps the call and response of barn swallows safe from predators and the Pacific arctic air chilling all the inhabitants of this usually moderate climate bipeds scurrying despite featherlite down plumage.  

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You’ll say I’m anthropomorphizing reading too much into things projecting making something out of nothing making it about me.  

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Slowly, slowly I wash our last dishes allow the too-warm water to redden my hands to just the right amount of pain so I will remember that this is what it took to release the hardened remnants from the places I used to feed on you.

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