
Archive for the ‘Birds’ Category

El colibrí de Gisela vino a la última flor de pasión en lo alto. En un lugar privado, escondido de la calle, este pequeño pedazo de desierto se ha transformado en un Edén. A veces verdeante, ahora es la temporada mortal. Las vides de uva, de árboles de limones amarillos, de nectarinas, las camas de […]

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Like the crone observing new life from her crooked-neck perch bones and sinews exposed as winter’s denuded branches time relaxed immeasurable and infinite the blue heron rests on the leafless limb its s-curved neck raising and turning languidly.

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Toucans landed on the field behind your house improbable, the things we think are beautiful Why the hummingbird, iridescent and almost impossible to track as it zooms and flits and chitters through the tree and not the giant black bus of the bee whose heft is long and wide, seeming to defy gravity, land on […]

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En otro tiempo en otro desierto un viento eterno sopló una bandada de pájaros del mar al desierto del Sinaí a un pueblo destinado a vagar por cuarenta años sin patria bastante tiempo para que todos los que han nacido en esclavitud muriesen para que esos que nacieron en el yermo, sin hogar, supieran la […]

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It was a surprise to learn the park was closed giant wrought iron gates chained and padlocked shut in anticipation of strong winds and rain forecast for much later in the day.

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