
Archive for the ‘Birds’ Category

When there’s no logic, that’s when you know you’re in someone else’s dream -adrienne maree brown  Too often, I flew alone, other times side by side, or trailing behind, trying to keep up. Two points can never form anything complex, rounded.

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I am on the balcony before it begins. Achromatic darkness, the sky tangible, reaching back to my outstretched fingers, pressing on my face. A steady hum of cars, the clack and clangs of the train yard trill, chirrup, cheep and chur.

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Some summer mornings I resist the invitation to greet the day on the page, murmur excuses within the crowded clamor – too cold, too gray, too late – then the seagull flies overhead, mouth dangling dark matter extracted from a neighbor’s gutter, to the nest I cannot see but must be close.

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Bleak as the splat of the just-fed bird’s dropping on my lime green dress of cashmere whitish liquid dripping its way down  what had been a rarely achieved elegance. Omens are no rival for blindness. That royal raven chased me out of its court sent me running, frightened and foolish, sure it was happening, unsure I […]

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He spoke of watching the hummingbird bring soft fuzz and leaves high in the sequoia in the front yard. He watched it turn around and form it with its vibrating tail feathers and tiny humming bottom, circling like a dog before settling in, readying it for its mate. He told of the days that came […]

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