
Archive for the ‘Motherhood’ Category

I was at a baby shower for a new Mom who, that day, had reached 37 weeks. Such an accomplishment, those first 37 weeks. She’s already mothered her young one, already sacrificed for (his or her, the parents don’t know) sake, has curtailed her activities and her work, even to the point of bed-rest for […]

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Not a particularly frightening or dramatic statement, but allow me to explain how it became so.

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Tonight my son’s homework assignment is to write the first draft of a mystery story. It’s to include dialogue, six of this week’s spelling words, and he’s to define character and setting. We’ve been going back and forth at the kitchen table for longer than you’d think it would take to write a page. My […]

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I came across these pictures, taken by my son when he was 3 or 4. They represent his world view, his valuables, what made sense to him and what was available to him to take in visually. They are of terrible quality, no production value whatsoever. But I can recall the feel of being in […]

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A Moment

I was tired last night – the kind of bone tired I can get from too many days waking before, I hate to admit, 4 am. It was 3:57 am when I woke up yesterday. I had some things on my mind, I guess you could say.

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